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Reusing Eggshells?! Industrial Waste Recycling Desk Calendar for Carbon Offset


Do you all like egg dishes? Eggs are an indispensable ingredient in all types of cuisine, be it Japanese, Western, or Chinese. If you’re not allergic, you’re probably consuming an egg in some form or another every day.

To meet this robust demand, production is also immense. In Japan, the annual production volume is said to be between 2.5 to 2.6 million tons, which translates to about 7,000 tons per day.

I don’t think anyone comes to our site specifically to look up eggs, but the reason we’re writing about this is because it’s connected to the SDGs and a new product line for our company.

This time, we’d like to introduce the “CaMISHELL Ringless Calendar.” We’ll explain what CaMISHELL is as we introduce it.

Eggshells = Industrial Waste

As mentioned at the beginning, 2.6 million tons of eggs are produced annually (which amounts to about 42 billion eggs!). But do you know what happens to their shells afterwards?

In fact, most eggshells are not recycled but are incinerated as trash. Eggshells are rich in calcium, so some are repurposed for uses such as animal feed. However, from an economic perspective, it’s more efficient to dispose of them, and about 260,000 tons of eggshells are treated as industrial waste annually. As a result, we are in a constant state of paying to emit CO2.

Turning Trash into Golden Eggs. “What is CaMISHELL?”

The “CaMISHELL Ringless Calendar” introduced in this article features CaMISHELL, a new paper material developed by SAMURAI TRADING Co., Ltd., based in Saitama Prefecture (https://www.samurai.vip/), utilizing eggshells. The eggshells are powdered using a patented method and mixed with paper fibers to create this eco-paper.

We have also conducted various tests on the material and found that it has a strong texture and its suitability for printing and processing is almost indistinguishable from that of regular paper.

The High CO2 Reduction Effect of CaMISHELL

To create paper, fibers are extracted from wood chips or recycled paper to first make pulp, which then goes through the papermaking process. However, this production process emits more CO2 than the weight of the paper itself.

Because CaMISHELL is made by mixing eggshells with pulp, it can reduce the amount of wood pulp used, and also reduce the CO2 emissions from disposing of eggshells as mentioned earlier. Therefore, compared to regular paper, it can be produced with at least an 18% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Moreover, the pulp used is FSC certified, ensuring that the product is of high quality and that proper forest management practices are upheld.

Encounter with Samurai

The opportunity for our company to become acquainted with SAMURAI TRADING came through a business matching event hosted by Saitama Resona Bank. Our company has been exploring, developing, and deploying various plastic-free products in alignment with the SDGs, so our intentions matched well, and we quickly decided to create a product using CaMISHELL.

Therefore, we realized that using CaMISHELL as the material for a ringless calendar was exactly the right choice, and we have just recently completed the prototype. As mentioned earlier, its suitability for printing and processing is high, so we were able to produce a desk ringless calendar that is nearly indistinguishable from those made with regular paper in terms of quality. Additionally, there were no issues with the adhesive used.

If combined with a cellophane envelope, the effect would be even greater

If combined with a biomass 80 cellophane envelope, the effect of reducing plastic, along with its environmental consideration, could significantly contribute to PR efforts. Keep an eye on CaMISHELL and the ringless calendar in the future! We plan to continue introducing new products on this site.

When should we tackle environmental issues? “Now, of course.”

Environmental issues won’t wait for us to feel like it, or to consider taking action once it becomes more popular. We must start doing what we can the moment we think of it, because improvement won’t happen unless we’re prepared to begin right away.

This doesn’t mean I’m insisting you consider the CaMISHELL ringless calendar, but I do urge you to start practicing some form of environmental action today, right now. It will contribute to a sustainable society in the future.

Please view the details of the ringless calendar on the specialized website.

URL: https://ringlesscalendar.com/







